Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Long Time Passed

So it has been an awfully long time since I last wrote anything here, but things have been pretty good so far this summer. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to the beach all that much but the three times I did go were awesome. I love the feeling of the sand on my feet and sun on my body, and who the heck doesn't like the salty air of the sea. It reminds me of all the summer days I spent on the beach. Training has been going awesome, I've taken quite the different approach this summer. I have been relaxing a lot more, not being so neurotic about hitting a certain weekly mileage, and in general just taking it a lot easier on my body. The body needs time to recover and so does the mind. I've learned this the hard way, I think every runner has though. Last week I hated running, and this week I'm buzzing about training. Its like a rollercoaster, no other sport is so love/hate. I love it now though, and lets hope I can keep this going into the year! As for the rest of things, I've been having some good times with friends, done some dumb things I'm not very proud of, and still looking forward to some more good times. This weekend is the Newport Folk Festival, I can't wait!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing these guys from providence: