Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So this is my first post, I decided to start this as a diary more or less to get all my thoughts out and not bottled up inside me. It is important to constantly check where you see yourself in the grand scheme of this thing we call life. So....tonight my life has hit a milestone! Hooray!!! right? wrong! Tonight I realized words mean nothing in the eyes of society. I honestly believe I looked the Devil in the eye tonight. For those who might not know what I am talking about, here is the very brief and allegorical description: I had a couple beers with my teammates, one loose cannon shot a cannonball and it hit us all in the face, but the cannon denies ever shooting at us, claiming that we lit the fuse and shot ourselves, which is ironic because a bunch of us saw the cannon try to clog itself so that when it fired it would blow up, killing itself. We saved the cannons life and he repays us by shooting at us again! Moving away from cannons, I want to comment on the worthlessness of the student voice at this school. I made an honest attempt tonight to say i made a mistake but believe in the freedom to make your own choice and be your own person and I was told that I was wrong. Somehow this I mean college, believes that it can control everything its students do and not give a care about what they are. Some Catholic Institution, huh??

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