Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Always cramming! (strictly running blog today)

Well as many people may know, I love to cram for exams and papers! Most the time it is due to poor life decisions, but part of it also seems to be my nature. Well once again I find myself cramming. This time, it is getting fit not school work (though that will come soon enough). The first time in a while I actually feel unfit. And I'm not saying this in my usual runner-type "Oh my god I'm not in P.R. shape" sense! I mean this in the strictest sense after reviewing my training over the past four weeks.

It all began ironically when I was feeling fit, I ran an 8-mile tempo run with Kim Smith on December 7. We did a 5 mile warm-up, then the tempo at 5:30 pace exactly (44:00 total), then finished with a 3 mile cooldown. Needless to say, I felt pretty fucked after, but it was the good fucked feeling, the "I can't wait to run a 5k feeling"! Then I ran 10 and 8 the next 2 days, and then came my downfall!

My nagging foot injury was really taking its toll on me after the tempo, and so what started out as a few days to heal up turned into 11 days off! This is the longest period of time I have taken off in over 3 years! I was just ruined during that time from stress of exams and distracted by other things, and simply lost that incredible feeling I had after that workout.

It was bad. And only got worse...

I returned to running with a 12 mile run, then a 10 miler, then 8, then nothing again! My knee was shot, inflamed and extremely painful to run on. So needless to say I treated it the normal "nick-style" - booze and living free.

But then I returned to my previous pair of shoes and the knee has been better since and I remembered that thing called a training program! So now I'm cramming! This week should total about 62 miles. Then the next two around 70 with some tempos and a few speed workouts! All leading up to the epic "time trial" on Saturday, January 23. It'll most likely be either a mile or a 3k, depending on how my workouts are going.

From there is the Terrier Invite (depending on if I hit the pre-established time mark for the time trial). And then beyond that is the Valentine Invite two weeks later, then I believe the indoor season will be over and I will hopefully have that same good feeling I had after the workout with Kim as I prepare for a spring road racing season!

I'm keeping the spirts high and training hard! This is the time to cram! I've always come out alright in the past, so I'm hoping for the same! If indoor doesn't work, I've got plenty of roads that need some racing in the spring and perhaps I might try racing 13.1 miles on May 2nd in prov. We'll see... but I'm looking forward and need to stay on the right roads!

As Keith Kelly would quote: "Fitter, Happier, more productive" - thats the goal.

much love,

p.s. New vampire weekend album "Contra" is absolutely amazing. They have such a unique style that sets them apart from any other indie band and this album takes it even further. Cannot wait to see them in boston on April Fools day!!!!

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