Saturday, January 16, 2010

Interesting faces and interesting places

I have no license.

This statement may seem pretty absurd to most people. A 20 year-old without a license? To some this may seem pretty horrible, but I think it is pretty wonderful, and here are my reasons why (no particular order):

1) The environment is a little bit healthier! If we all do little things they can go a long way. By not driving, based off of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's annual emissions report I have saved 45,800 pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere, as well as 2,324 gallons of gasoline in only four years! So please take advantage of public transportation, bikes, and the earliest form of transportation walking!!!

2) RIPTA - Where else can you find a cowboy, native american, purple-suited-pimp, 500-pound human or basically anyone as weird as a Wes Anderson movie character? Kennedy Plaza is home to most of these people, and strangely enough it has become a very popular spot to find me as well. Despite the appearance of the RIPTA travelers, I've met some very nice people on my bus rides. It is also very humbling to see the difficulty and struggle some people face in this country. Many of the people on the bus are struggling both to get somewhere and get by. The bus illustrates the part of society that the government ignores, but I see them and I see that I am no different from them, after all, my bank account is currently at 57 cents.... despite the frustration of late buses, the RIPTA has been an uplifting part of being licenseless.

3) Walking with or without a destination. This could be one of the most complex, awesome, and awesomely complex part of not having a license. These days people dread the idea of having to walk places, no matter how far or how close people hate the idea of walking. I am being kind of mean in saying "people" but I would confirm that a large majority would rather drive somewhere that is over a mile away.

Well not me. I enjoy walking and not just to a destination. Its much more exciting to start with idea of a destination and then arrive to different and beautiful places along the way. Walking is a chance to let your imagination run free and to find peace within. You must search for the best things in life and walking can take you to them. When I'm not sure of whether or not I should follow a path or jump a fence I simply think of the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. It has always been misunderstood, but if you look at it closely it is quite inspiring. (Sidenote: Everyone should acquire at some point in their life an anthology of Robert Frost poetry, it will change your life)

4) Bumming rides
. I don't think I am allowed to post this without at least acknowledging anyone I've ever bummed a ride from or hitchhiked with. THANKS!!! Without me not having a license you wouldn't have that vagabond-homeless friend in your group!

This list is probably missing many things but these are the major attractions to not having a license. It is a humbling testament to discovering beauty in traveling to interesting places and meeting interesting faces.

With more roads to travel,

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