Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Plunges into the freezing sea

Peekaboo! Here i am! :)

Its been forever since i've posted on this barely read blog. Sorry to my four readers! But anyhooo, life is splendid. This summer has been pretty much a majestic gift put into my tiny hands. Here are the things that have made my summer great, and things i have learned (no particular order):

PIZZA and a bottle of wine.
TOTALLY could live at the beach!
DRIVING is really easy.
BONNAROO is fucking awesome!
NEW friends make me happy.
STARS and lips make me super happy. ;)
FLAMING lips make me super super happy!
MARGARINE is way better than butter.
SOUTH has basically no laws.
HAPPINESS is easy to find if you love everyone.
VINYL will never die.
RUNNING free is the way to go.
MEDITATION free's the mind.
KILL the ego.
SELF-SUFFICIENT meals taste way better.
JIM morrision is the man.
WORK will always suck.
HOMELESSNESS is an option.
ANYONE can kiss me and I'll like it.
LARGE world, not small world.
EXPLORATION of mind and soul.
POETS die young.
FOOD is not needed to survive.
ANTIBIOTICS work miracles.
MAKE music, not money.
LOVE is endless.
BEER is cheap.
DANCING is always fun.
NUDITY is normal.
BLUE jays are my favorite bird.
STRAWBERRIES taste so sweet in the summertime.
SONIC exists.
MUSIC can change lives.
TENNESSEE should be closer.
MONEY should be burned with drugs.
CHAIRS are really comfortable beds.
ARTISTS provoke the unknown.
BEACH hair gives me great volume.
UH, yeah...


This band is called Puro Instinct (formerly known as Pearl Harbor). I saw them play the other night in Boston with Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti and Magic Kids. They are really great and su-peer cool (pronounce that with a french accent and it'll make sense).


  1. I wish beer were cheap here. It consumes half of my weekly $50 paycheck (for 12 beers). Visit Canada, we'll have many self-sufficient meals.

  2. haha... nothing beats the $5 6-pack of 'gannsetts! I'll have a license very soon, so expect a visit!
