Monday, December 14, 2009

Don't try NoDOZ

Tonight was the pinnacle of paper writing for the semester. So I decided to write a blog post about how it went. It entailed 3 papers, total of 19 pages, for three completely different subjects, spanning 7 different books. I realized, I am writing this post in the past tense, but really should be using this tense, the "present continuous", because presently I am continuing to write these monstrosities that are papers.

So far, I finished my ethics paper, an excellent read on virtue, prudence, and human action according to Socrates and St. Thomas Aquinas. Currently I'm working on my Sociology policy paper, and then Poetry is still to come! Very very stressing. But I'm dealing with it by enjoying a study break of a new "Metalocalypse" episode!! (Aka...the best study break ever).

It is amazing how little sleep I can get and still function, but tonight and tomorrow might push the limit. Gonna have to find some free coffee, or maybe just take my NoDoz, in any event, I have a ton of writing left that isn't this blog.

Music of the day:

1 comment:

  1. i can never cope without my no-doz..
    i would say good luck with your papers but seeing as this was posted last year,im guessing they're already finished.
