Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fate meets the Night: they exchange pleasantries

"But loving someone for what is within them, far exceeds loving only what is on the surface."

Finished my first paper of four this week. The quote above is from my Shakespeare paper, I just felt like sharing it with people besides my professor, because I think it holds some truth behind love. Anyways, this week is going to be an absolute killer. I hope I make it out alive! I am looking forward to Friday already, and hope the weekend can top this past one!

This week was amazing for music, Thursday night I saw Manchester Orchestra and Brand New. Manchester Orchestra really amazed me, not being familiar with them all that much, I was quite pleased with their talent and performance, A+ job. Brand New on the other hand was sloppy and just not really my cup of tea anymore. On Saturday night, I enjoyed some great local music. The band is called Cub and they were absolutely amazing. Their roots are in folk, with brilliant songwriting and amazing harmonies, they delivered a great performance. Check out their music on their myspace (

Overall, life has been very eventful and quite exciting. I've made some pretty awesome new friends. This makes me happy and hopefully the future holds more joyful times together.


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