Sunday, November 15, 2009

My natural nature

Nature is amazing, human nature is destructive. This is what I realized today on a run. As I ran along my favorite route, I noticed a swan swimming in the water, and to his right a bunch of ducks dobbing in the water, then I heard chirping from the trees beyond. It sounded so soothing, as the light rain drops fell from the sky, these little birds sang there cheerful song. Then came the humming, the thundering boom, the giant airplane. Humans have managed to ruin nature. I turn to my left and look over the providence river and the shore is lined with salt piles, tankers, plumes, and smoke. Its disgusting, making the gray November sky seem like a polluted cloud of smoke. I continued, the plane had passed, the birds must have been afraid, for they had gone silent. Then I heard something nice again, raindrops, raindrops, raindrops, raindrops. Gently falling. Making a shimmering sound, majesty and peaceful. It was nice. I truly believe I may have been the only person to stop and think of these things today but I'm glad I did. Really how important is everything we've made? Isn't the stuff that came before us more amazing?


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